WORLDSPAWN / Iluminación Global

Se llama ¨Worldspawn¨ al conjunto de parámetros que determinan la iluminación global de los mapas en Radiant, El ¨worldspawn¨ controla la posición del sol, la intensidad de la luz, el color y muchas otras cosas.

Una vez hayas creado tu Skybox lo que debes hacer es Presionar ¨ESC¨ un par de veces para estar seguro de que no tienes nungún objeto seleccionado, Luego presiona ¨N¨ para tu ventana de entidades.

1- Busca en la lista superiór ¨Worldspawn¨.
2- En ¨Key¨ debes introducír el nombre del parametro.
3- En ¨Value¨ debes introducír los valores numericos que deseas.
4- Presiona ¨Intro/ Enter¨ (Los valores se irán sumando a la pequeña lista en la ventana que está justo arriba de ¨Key¨.


Aquí están los parámetros ¨Worldspawn setting¨ de cada mapa de COD4.

---- Aftermath "Aftermath" ----

"contrastGain" "0.15"

"diffusefraction" "0.45"

"_color" "0.90 0.90 1"

"sunlight" "1"

"sundirection" "-35 150 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "1 1 1"

"suncolor" "1 1 1"

"ambient" ".15"

"reflection_color_correction" "aftermath"

---- Airlift "Shock and Awe" ----

"radiosityScale" "1.2"

"contrastGain" "0.425"

"diffusefraction" "0.25"

"_color" ".8 .9 1"

"sunlight" "1.5"

"sundirection" "-17 56.333 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 0.75 .88"

"suncolor" "1 0.92 0.88"

"ambient" ".05"

---- Airplane ----

"reflection_color_correction" "airplane"

"_color" ".6 .6 .6"

"ambient" ".03"

"sunlight" "1.5"

"suncolor" ".9 .9 1"

"sundirection" "-18 100 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.015 0.015 0.013"

---- Ambush "The Sins of the Father" ----

"reflection_color_correction" "ambush"

"radiosityScale" "1"

"contrastGain" "0.15"

"diffusefraction" "0.05"

"_color" "0.90 0.90 1"

"sunlight" "1.5"

"sundirection" "-146 -34 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".43 .39 1"

"suncolor" ".9 .98 1"

"ambient" ".1"

---- Armada "Charlie Dont Surf" ----

"diffusefraction" "0.1"

"sundiffusecolor" ".75 .84 1"

"sundirection" "-30 -340 0"

"suncolor" ".85 .76 .53"

"sunlight" "1.4"

"ambient" "0"

"_color" ".75 .84 1"

---- Blackout "Blackout" ----

"contrastGain" ".25"

"sunlight" ".6"

"sundirection" "-30 42 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.5 0.6 1"

"suncolor" "0.75 0.9 1"

"diffusefraction" "0.35"

"ambient" "0.1"

"_color" "0.6 0.7 1.000000"

"reflection_color_correction" "hunted"

---- bog_a "The Bog" ----

"sunlight" "0.5"

"sundirection" "-22 247 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.717647 0.776471 1.000000"

"suncolor" ".68 .72 .76"

"diffusefraction" ".4"

"ambient" "0.125"

"_color" ".67 .72 .94"

"radiosityScale" "1.8"

---- bog_b "War Pig" ----

"contrastGain" "0.425"

"diffusefraction" "0.5"

"_color" ".8 .9 1"

"sunlight" "1"

"sundirection" "-50 136 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 0.88 .75"

"suncolor" "1 0.92 0.88"

"ambient" ".1"

---- Cargoship "Crew Expendable" ----

"reflection_color_correction" "cargoship"

"RadiosityScale" "2"

"contrastGain" "0.15"

"diffusefraction" "0.15"

"_color" "0.5 0.5 0.7"

"sunlight" "1"

"sundirection" "-25 315 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.5 0.5 0.7"

"suncolor" "0.5 0.6 1.000000"

"ambient" ".1"

---- Coup "The Coup" ----

"reflection_color_correction" "coup"

"sunlight" "1.1"

"sundirection" "-40 72 0"

"suncolor" "1 1 .85"

"sundiffusecolor" "1 .95 .8"

"diffusefraction" "0.2"

"_color" "0 1 .5"

"ambient" ".02"

"radiosity" "1"

---- Hunted "Hunted" ----

"contrastGain" ".25"

"sunlight" "0.6"

"sundiffusecolor" ".5 .6 1"

"suncolor" ".75 .9 1"

"diffusefraction" ".35"

"ambient" "0.2"

"reflection_color_correction" "hunted"

"_color" "0.6 0.7 1"

"sundirection" "-40 49 0"

---- ICBM "Ultimatum" ----

"contrastGain" ".5"

"brightness" "0.1"

"sunlight" "1"

"sundirection" "-32.5 -4 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "1 1 1"

"suncolor" "1 1 1"

"diffusefraction" "0.6"

"ambient" "0.1"

"_color" "1 1 1"

---- Jeepride "All In (part 3)" ----

"reflection_color_correction" "jeepride"

"sunlight" "1.7"

"sundirection" "-25 231 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.717647 0.776471 1.000000"

"suncolor" "0.996078 0.96 0.88"

"northyaw" "90"

"diffusefraction" ".1"

"ambient" "0.1"

"_color" "0.717647 0.776471 1.000000"

---- Killhouse "F.N.G." ----

"sunlight" "1.5"

"sundirection" "-40 290 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".8 .85 1"

"suncolor" "1 .95 0.8"

"northyaw" "90"

"diffusefraction" ".35"

"ambient" "0.1"

"_color" ".85 .9 1"

"reflection_color_correction" "daylight"

---- Launchfacility_a "All In (part 1)" ----

"radiosityScale" "1.2"

"brightness" "0.1"

"reflection_color_correction" "launchfacility_a"

"diffusefraction" "0.4"

"_color" "0.02 0.02 .05"

"sunlight" "1.5"

"sundirection" "-30 0 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.717647 0.776471 1.000000"

"suncolor" "1 .8 .6"

"ambient" "0.2"

---- Launchfacility_b "All In (part 2) ----

"sunIsPrimaryLight" "0"

"reflection_color_correction" "launchfacility_b"

"radiosityScale" "1"

"contrastGain" "0.5"

"diffusefraction" "0.2"

"_color" "1 1 1"

"sunlight" "0.8"

"sundirection" "-35 290 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "1 1 1"

"suncolor" "0.95 0.85 0.65"

"ambient" "0.1"

---- mp_backlot "Backlot" ----

"radiosityScale" "1.8"

"contrastGain" "0.425"

"diffusefraction" "0.5"

"_color" ".8 .9 1"

"sunlight" "1.30"

"sundirection" "-43.5 25.11 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 0.88 .75"

"suncolor" "1 0.92 0.88"

"ambient" ".15"

---- mp_bloc "Bloc" ----

"radiosityScale" "1"

"contrastGain" "0.15"

"diffusefraction" "0.25"

"_color" "0.90 0.90 1"

"sunlight" ".9"

"sundirection" "-120 -50 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 .92 1"

"suncolor" ".9 .98 1"

"ambient" "0"

---- mp_cargoship "Wetwork" ----

"RadiosityScale" "2"

"contrastGain" "0.15"

"diffusefraction" "0.15"

"_color" "0.5 0.5 0.7"

"sunlight" "1.3"

"sundirection" "-25 315 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.5 0.5 0.7"

"suncolor" "0.5 0.6 1.000000"

"ambient" ".1"

---- mp_citystreets "District" ----

"radiosityScale" "2.5"

"diffusefraction" "0.5"

"_color" ".74 .68 56"

"sunlight" ".78"

"sundirection" "-67 97 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "1 .89 .74"

"suncolor" "1 0.92 0.88"

"ambient" ".2"

---- mp_convoy "Ambush" ----

"diffusefraction" "0.1"

"sundiffusecolor" ".75 .84 1"

"sundirection" "-30 -340 0"

"suncolor" ".85 .76 .53"

"sunlight" "1.6"

"ambient" "0.3"

"_color" ".75 .84 1"

---- mp_countdown "Countdown" ----

"brightness" "0.1"

"reflection_color_correction" "launchfacility_a"

"diffusefraction" "0.2"

"_color" "0.02 0.02 .05"

"sunlight" "1.5"

"sundirection" "-30 0 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.717647 0.776471 1.000000"

"suncolor" "1 .8 .6"

"ambient" "0.2"

---- mp_crash "Crash" ----

"radiosityScale" "1.5"

"contrastGain" "0.425"

"diffusefraction" "0.5"

"_color" ".8 .9 1"

"sunlight" "1.3"

"sundirection" "-50 240 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 0.88 .75"

"suncolor" "1 0.92 0.88"

"ambient" ".02"

---- mp_crossfire "Crossfire" ----

"contrastGain" "0.425"

"diffusefraction" "0.5"

"_color" ".8 .9 1"

"sunlight" "1"

"sundirection" "-50 136 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 0.88 .75"

"suncolor" "1 0.92 0.88"

"ambient" ".1"

---- mp_farm "Downpour" ----

"reflection_color_correction" "mp_farm"

"diffusefraction" "0.25"

"_color" "0.90 0.90 1"

"sunlight" "1"

"sundirection" "-40 225 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 .92 1"

"suncolor" ".9 .98 1"

"ambient" "0"

---- mp_overgrown "Overgrown" ----

"radiosityScale" "2"

"diffusefraction" "0.25"

"_color" "0.46 0.64 0.61"

"sunlight" "1.1"

"sundirection" "-147 119 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.80 0.88 0.94"

"suncolor" "0.84 0.81 0.58"

"ambient" ".10"

---- mp_pipeline "Pipeline" ----

"radiosityScale" "2.5"

"diffusefraction" "0.25"

"_color" "0.90 0.90 1"

"sunlight" "1.15"

"sundirection" "-44 220 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.80 0.88 0.94"

"suncolor" ".9 .98 1"

"ambient" ".15"

---- mp_shipment "Shipment" ----

"radiosityScale" "1.2"

"diffusefraction" "0.2"

"_color" ".8 .9 1"

"sunlight" "1.3"

"sundirection" "-43 51.5 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 1 .75"

"suncolor" "1 1 0.95"

"ambient" ".1"

---- mp_showdown "Showdown" ----

"sunlight" "1.6"

"sundirection" "-33.34 117.76 -78.14"

"suncolor" ".85 .76 .53"

"sundiffusecolor" ".75 .84 1"

"diffusefraction" "0.1"

"_color" "0.46 0.64 0.61"

"ambient" ".02"

---- mp_strike "Strike" ----

"contrastGain" "0.425"

"diffusefraction" "0.5"

"_color" ".8 .9 1"

"sunlight" "1"

"sundirection" "-45 -144 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 0.88 .75"

"suncolor" "1 0.94 0.80"

"ambient" ".02"

---- mp_vacent "Vacant" ----

"radiosityScale" "1.7"

"diffusefraction" "0.25"

"_color" "0.46 0.64 0.61"

"sunlight" "1.3"

"sundirection" "-45 25 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.80 0.88 0.94"

"suncolor" "0.84 0.81 0.58"

"ambient" ".15"

---- scoutsniper "All Ghillied Up" ----

"radiosityScale" "1.8"

"northyaw" "144"

"ambient" ".2"

"_color" "0.466667 0.525490 0.658824"

"diffuseFraction" ".08"

"sunDiffuseColor" "0.466667 0.525490 0.658824"

"sunlight" "1.7"

"sundirection" "-30 -56 0"

"suncolor" "1.000000 0.976471 0.874510"

---- sniperescape "One Shot, One Kill" ----

"radiosityScale" "1"

"contrastGain" "0.15"

"diffusefraction" "0.25"

"_color" "0.90 0.90 1"

"sunlight" ".9"

"sundirection" "-155 -50 0"

"sundiffusecolor" ".9 .92 1"

"suncolor" ".9 .98 1"

"ambient" "0"

---- village_assault "Safehouse" ----

"sunIsPrimaryLight" "0"

"contrastGain" ".5"

"brightness" ".1"

"sunlight" ".8"

"sundirection" "-30 91 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.4 0.6 1"

"suncolor" "0.8 0.9 1"

"diffusefraction" "0.6"

"ambient" "0.1"

"_color" "0.717647 0.776471 1.000000"

---- Village_defend "Heat" ----

"radiosityScale" "1.5"

"sunlight" "1.6"

"sundirection" "-40 225 0"

"sundiffusecolor" "0.717647 0.776471 1.000000"

"suncolor" "0.996078 0.921569 0.9"

"diffusefraction" ".2"

"ambient" "0.04"

"_color" "0.717647 0.776471 .9"

"reflection_color_correction" "village_daylight"
Una vez te familiarizes con el ¨Worldspawn¨ podrás hacer combinaciones para lograr ambientaciones originales (Para Charlie Oscar Down estoy usando la iluminación global de "Overgrown" con la dirección del sol de ¨Showdown¨).